The third step in obtaining the “Manageriality” certification is “Implementation and Support”. This phase is crucial as it focuses on putting into practice the strategies and skills acquired during the tailored training, and ensuring continuous support for innovation and efficiency. Here’s a detailed breakdown of this step:

  1. Strategic Implementation Plan:
    • Action Plans: Develop detailed action plans for implementing the new strategies and practices. These should include specific goals, timelines, and responsibilities.
    • Alignment with Company Goals: Ensure that the implementation plans are in sync with the company’s broader strategic objectives and vision.
  2. Support Structures:
    • Mentoring and Coaching: Provide ongoing mentoring and coaching for managers, especially in areas where they need more support to implement new practices.
    • Support Teams or Committees: Establish dedicated teams or committees that can offer guidance, resolve issues, and facilitate the implementation process.
  3. Innovation and Efficiency:
    • Encouraging Innovative Thinking: Foster a culture that encourages innovation among management. This can involve setting up innovation labs, brainstorming sessions, or innovation challenges.
    • Process Optimisation: Focus on improving processes for greater efficiency. This might involve adopting new technologies, streamlining workflows, or applying lean management principles.
  4. Monitoring and Feedback Mechanisms:
    • Performance Tracking: Set up systems to monitor the implementation of new management practices and measure their impact on performance.
    • Regular Reviews and Adjustments: Conduct regular reviews of the implementation process and make necessary adjustments based on feedback and performance data.
  5. Change Management:
    • Managing Resistance to Change: Develop strategies to manage resistance to change within the organization. This could involve communication campaigns, training sessions, or involving employees in the change process.
    • Transition Management: Guide managers and teams through the transition process as new practices are adopted, ensuring minimal disruption to operations.
  6. Resource Allocation:
    • Ensuring Adequate Resources: Ensure that all managers and teams have the resources they need to implement the new strategies effectively. This includes financial, human, and technological resources.
    • Budget for Implementation: Allocate a specific budget for the implementation phase to cover training, technology upgrades, or any other resources needed.
  7. Long-term Sustainability:
    • Sustainable Practices: Focus on implementing management practices that are sustainable in the long run, both in terms of business operations and environmental impact.
    • Continuous Improvement: Establish mechanisms for continuous improvement and regular updating of management practices to keep up with industry trends and standards.
  8. Documentation and Reporting:
    • Comprehensive Documentation: Keep thorough documentation of the implementation process, including challenges faced, solutions implemented, and progress made.
    • Reporting to Certification Body: Prepare reports for the certification body detailing how the company has implemented the learning and achieved the standards required for Manageriality certification.

This step is essential for translating the theoretical knowledge and skills acquired into tangible improvements in management practices. It involves not just the application of new strategies but also ensuring they are deeply embedded into the company’s culture and operations for lasting impact.